Birx backtracks on mRNA, hurls US health officials under the bus

Deborah Birx says that the mistake of public health was failing to explain that the covid vaccines “were nothing like the childhood vaccines.”

No, sh*t, Sherlock.

She now says we knew that mRNA was not designed to prevent infection. Really? That was the entire sales pitch. The entire scientific community, in lockstep, was demonizing anybody who said otherwise.

All of us who said that at the time were maligned and censored and called anti-vaxxers. The CDC even put the covid shot on the childhood vaccine schedule.

Now, she’s backtracking, saying public health failed to explain that COVID vaccines aren’t like childhood ones—meant to reduce severity, not stop infection—and were pushed on the wrong groups, like the young instead of the elderly. A little humility, please.

Reminder: Deborah Birx was the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator during the COVID-19 pandemic, mainly under Trump until January 2021. Trump appointed her because she was a respected public health figure with decades of experience, notably in HIV/AIDS work. She was part of the task force with Fauci, advising on lockdowns, vaccines, and messaging. Trump leaned on her, relied on her advice, to shape the response. Birx pushed vaccines hard, calling them a “miracle” in 2020, aligning with Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” to get shots out fast. She heavily promoted vaccines, calling them critical to beating the virus, advice we now know was fatal for many.